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Style Guide

Code Style

Use .clang-format to format your code. You can find the configuration file in the root of the repository.

Naming Rules
  • use UPPERCASE for constants, macros, and preprocessor directives
  • use PascalCase for classes, structs, enums, and namespaces
  • use PascalCase for methods and properties
  • use PascalCase for functions
  • use kebabCase for local variables
  • prefix private fields with m_
  • prefix static fields with s_
  • prefix static variables with s_
  • prefix global variables with g_
Other Rules
  • use #pragma once instead of include guards
  • use the same namespace as the folder structure
    • excluding Gothic directory which has GOTHIC_NAMESPACE defined (subdirectories should use new namespace)
    • excluding Hooks.hpp files, which may need GOTHIC_NAMESPACE to implement member functions
  • prefer single class per file
  • use the same file name as the class name
  • use #pragma region and #pragma endregion to group related code for bigger files
  • don't use using namespace in header files
  • can use using namespace in source files
  • don't use using namespace std in any file
  • avoid use using namespace X; where X is a namespace of vendor code
  • can use using namespace X; where X is the project namespace

Design Principles

Separation of Concerns

Code should be modular, and every unit should encapsulate its private state, while providing a public interface for others to use. Each unit should have a single responsibility. Each unit group should also represent a single, larger concept being the aggregate of member concepts.

Keep It Stupid Simple (KISS)

Code should be simple and easy to understand. Don't overengineer, don't over-abstract, don't generalize specializations that already provide everything you need.

Memory & Pointers

Pointers of objects shared between multiple consumers are created and managed by an owner. The owner shares the object as a const reference or a reference if the object must be mutable.

Objects may be owner-less if shared using std::shared_ptr.

Don't dereference a reference unless you absolutely have to.


  • Code builds for every engine: G1, G1A, G2, G2A


  • Prefer PartialHook if you don't need to wrap the target function from both sides.
  • PartialHook: avoid subtracting esp further than the current function frame. Different callers will have different stack offsets.

Would you add or change something?

The style guide is not set in stone. If you think that we should add or alter some rules, feel free to contribute.