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The class represents an audio file assigned to a music theme.


class C_BassMusic_ThemeAudio {
    var string theme;
    var string type;
    var string filename;
    var string midifile;
    var float volume;
    var int loop;
    var int reverb;
    var float reverbMix;
    var float reverbTime;
    var int fadeIn;
    var int fadeInDuration;
    var int fadeOut;
    var int fadeOutDuration;

prototype BassMusic_ThemeAudio(C_BassMusic_ThemeAudio) {
    type = "DEFAULT";
    volume = 1;
    loop = 1;
    reverb = 0;
    fadeIn = 1;
    fadeInDuration = 2000;
    fadeOut = 1;
    fadeOutDuration = 2000;


Field Type Description
theme string The name (identifier) of a theme.
type string Type of the audio. Use "DEFAULT" to play it as music.
filename string Filename of the audio file.
midifile string Filename of a MIDI file for transition control.
vol float Volume of the song in range [0, 1] as the % of master volume.
loop int (bool) If not zero, the theme will loop. Otherwise, it will play only once per zone enter.
reverb int (bool) If not zero, the Reverb DX8 effect is enabled.
reverbmix float Mix property for Reverb DX8 effect in range [-96, 0] dB.
reverbtime float Time property for Reverb DX8 effect in range [0.001, 3000] ms.
fadeIn int (bool) If not zero, the fade-in effect is enabled.
fadeInDuration float Fade-in effect duration in milliseconds.
fadeOut int (bool) If not zero, the fade-out effect is enabled.
fadeOutDuration float Fade-out effect duration in milliseconds.