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zBassMusic implements basic fade-in and fade-out effects to crossfade between songs, but it's activated only if the music theme defines a correct transtype. We support:

  • TRANSITION_TYPE_INTRO (= 5) - fade-in effect at the start
  • TRANSITION_TYPE_END (= 6) - fade-out effect at the end
  • TRANSITION_TYPE_ENDANDINTRO (= 7) - both fade-in and fade-out effects

The best default is to use TRANSITION_TYPE_ENDANDINTRO because it defines both start and end effects. If you had one song with TRANSITION_TYPE_END and another song without TRANSITION_TYPE_INTRO, then during the transition the first sound would fade out but the second one would start instantly at 100% volume.

    file = "My_Super_Music.mp3"; 

    // Use TRANSITION_TYPE_ENDANDINTRO to enable crossfade between themes
    reverbmix = -12;
    reverbtime = 9000;
    vol = 1;
    loop = 1;

Other values of transtype and all values of transsubtype are ignored because zBassMusic can't emulate them on arbitrary audio files with no MIDI metadata.

Instead of trying to emulate DirectMusic effects, we implement our own transition scheduler to perform advanced transitions. To learn more you can check next:

  • zBassMusic Theme Class - an extended version of C_MUSICTHEME class made specifically for zBassMusic. You can use it instead of the Gothic's one to enable additional features.
  • Transitions - the new transition system that gives you a full control over how music changes. You can set up custom timing, add an in-between jingle sound or use a MIDI file to provide metadata for the engine. With a well-prepared transitions, your music will hit better. Like, literally - it will hit on the beat.
  • Scripting - external functions to control the music playback from Daedalus scripts. You can use it to implement a special theme flow for specific moments in the story.