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Music Definition

zBassMusic uses the same music definitions as the original game, so you can work directly on existing C_MUSICTHEME instances. The instances are in Scripts/System/Music/MusicInst.d.

    // With zBassMusic you can load mp3 and other music formats
    file = "My_Super_Music.mp3"; 

    // Use TRANSITION_TYPE_ENDANDINTRO to enable crossfade between themes

    // reverbmix and reverbtime might have to be adjusted
    reverbmix = -12;
    reverbtime = 9000;
    vol = 1;
    loop = 1;

Caveat: Reverb Effect

zBassMusic emulates the original reverb effects using BASS_DX8_REVERB from BASS library but it has strict limits on the acceptable parameters range. If you would like to use the effect, make sure that:

  • reverbmix is in range [-96, 0]
  • reverbtime is in range [0.001, 3000]

If the parameter value is outside these ranges, the effect won't be applied.