Original Gothic class for music is defined in System/_Intern/Music.d
script. You can create its instances
to define music themes for zBassMusic.
To define a music theme using this class, you create an instance in System/Music/MusicInst.d
The name of an instance must be the same as the music zone where it plays.
The original class is not detailed enough to use all zBassMusic features. The limitations are:
- The instance name must match music zone + variant. Only one song per music zone + variant is possible.
parameters have a strict restriction on range. zBassMusic will clamp the values to [-96, 0] and [0.001, 3000], respectively.transtype
are DirectMusic-specific transitions that are impossible to 100% emulate in zBassMusic.
If you would like to have more options, use zBassMusic Theme classes instead.